Commonwealth Coins Numismatic Reference Books

British Commonwealth coins have an interesting history and are well known for their extensive varieties. Although two coins may look the same at first glance, there have been countless minor design changes over the years, giving collectors different coin varieties. These books and catalogues are an attempt to document all known varieties in their respective series. My current books can be bought online. Some of my coin research is also published at Coin Curiosity.

A Treatise on Varieties of British Fractional Bronze 1860-1970

"The most comprehensive reference book on British halfpennies and farthings available"

This brand new 165-page guide book is a comprehensive guide to the bronze halfpennies, farthings and third farthings of Great Britain and the 1/48th shillings and 1/24th shillings of Jersey from 1860 to 1970, including all known varieties, pattern and proof coins. It documents all currently known obverse and reverse dies and all known die pairings including 4 new farthing varieties and 27 new halfpenny varieties that has been discovered since the last update to Michael Freeman's The Bronze Coinage of Great Britain in 2016. It also covers the history of the bronze halfpennies, farthings and third farthings of Great Britain and the 1/48th shillings and 1/24th shillings of Jersey, from the introduction of the coinages, design and alloy changes and their eventual replacement with the arrival of decimal currency.

The British bronze farthing section is available as a free sample chapter (please do not re-host or re-upload).

Sample chapter on British Bronze Farthings

Sample page from A Treatise on Varieties of British Fractional Bronze 1860-1970

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Fijian Predecimal Silver Coins 1934-1967

This reference book comprehensively documents Fiji's predecimal silver sixpences, shillings and florins from 1934 to 1967 and their history, from their introduction to their debasement and ultimate replacement by the Fijian dollar in 1969.

Download the e-book (132MB). Please do not re-host or re-upload.

Sample page from Fijian Predecimal Silver Coins 1934-1967

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The Catalogue of Bronze Coinage of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia 1861-1864 | Le Catalogue de la Monnaie Bronze de Nouveau-Brunswick et Nouvelle-Ecosse 1861-1864

This new reference book comprehensively documents the short-lived bronze half cents and cents of the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia from 1861 to 1864, including both the extensive series of patterns produced in the lead-up to their introduction, and the circulating coins.

Download the e-book (2.5MB). Please do not re-host or re-upload.

Téléchargez le livre électronique (2,5MO). Ne réhébergez ou réuploadez pas s'il vous plaît.

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